Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Meet Gertrude.

She likes sitting quietly and reading craft books. She doesn't mind the odd Pina Colada, but don't get her started on walks in the rain. She's had issues with that ever since her silly boyfriend wouldn't pay the $4 for parking when they went to see a Gomez concert and she had to walk 20 minutes in a flash-flood inducing downpour to get back to the car. And the gig was a bit suckful.


She came via special request from SadieandLance, who's caught a bit of soft-toy mania I hear. I love her, 'ET arms' and all. Thanks Bee, you're 'Grate' (for all you sub-editors out there that was intentional! Go to the site and have a listen.) The pattern is here.

Turns out Gertrude's a bit of a knitting mentor. She's got me using the porcupines.

This isn't anything yet, just my training wheels :)


SadieandLance said...

Hey your photo is heaps better than mine!

Sourire11 said...

oooooh double points! they suck at first but after a project or two they become no big deal....